My Story

When I was a little girl of 7 or 8 years old, I would stand on a stepping stool in my Aunt Ruth's kitchen in Chicago and "help" my aunt make chocolate chip cookies and apricot strudel.  At the age of 10, Aunt Ruth gave me her recipe for strudel which I would make every year.  It was a labor of love and the pieces of strudel would disappear too quickly after I had spent so much time making them! I continued to make strudel every Thanksgiving for my father as it was his favorite sweet treat. 

In the 1990's a seafood shop opened in my hometown in Glen Ellyn, IL.  The owner told me he was looking for someone who baked lemon bars so he could offer dessert to go along with their fish dinners.  That was the start of my official business!  Customers would call asking for a pan of lemon bars and whatever else I could bake.  The business grew as word got out.

When my youngest daughter was 4 or 5 years old, I took her to a church event that was celebrating St. Lucia Day.  After the service we went to the basement of the church where there were tables upon tables of cookies.  My daughter asked if she could have a cookie.  She took a bite of one and said (as only children can), "Mommy, these cookies don't have any love in them!" which evoked laughter from the adults around her. I had always told her that my cookies were made with a secret ingredient, love!

With friends all over the U.S. and the ability to keep in touch via social media, my business has grown every year.  Baking has always been a passion and is relaxing for me.  I love to bake in the early morning and late at night when there are no interruptions.

Who doesn't love homemade baked goods that taste great?  Friends have always loved coming to my home for coffee and whatever I have baked!  Some even inquired about what sweet treats were stashed in the freezer!!  After retiring from teaching, I relocated to Ohio and continue to bake in a newly remodeled kitchen with professional equipment.

Please reach out to me via this website, email, Facebook or Instagram! 

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